Intersting Tut
Spot on really. Your final example product used many good techniques, though I am afraid it needed more boobs and dick jokes to get an award in my opinion.
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Intersting Tut
Spot on really. Your final example product used many good techniques, though I am afraid it needed more boobs and dick jokes to get an award in my opinion.
It was very short though slightly humorous and I'm sure you could make something even better if it was longer, perhaps a longer fight?
Great Idea
The game was great, but it needed more modes like an arcade mode where you fight bosses, who might be faster, bigger, that sort of thing. Then the game would be a lot better, but the animation is great with a nice simple style and the music fits nicely.
Yupp, as I said to the other guy, I'm not gonna keep developing this game unless people get interested.. Would be awesome tho.
the graphics are ok, the sound when the ball gets hit is rather annoying though, doesnt have that much gameplay in my opinion, but it is fun for a bit. no strong objective though, like destroying enemies or something.
good game
Its good, though the graphics are very basic, and up to level 8 they are rather repetitve, i would add in a moving lily pad or something like that, i know theres the bomb but it doesnt make the game all that more exciting for me. Still overall a nice game that could use some improvements.
Amazing Song, great beat too it, all the parts fit together well. Keep up the amazing work. 5/5 10/10
im confused?
Its ok, but doesn't really show off great voice talent to me, seemed like you could of done something better than rap about pokemon, though its still better than average.
Anyways the title refers to, this has a 2.74 score, yet its the all time top scoring number 1? when Rose at Nightfall has 4.47 and is number 2?
I'm glad you still managed to find something to enjoy about it, nonetheless!
To answer your question, it's because at the moment when the Weekly Top 5 and Top 50 of All Time were announced (on Wednesday), this song had a score of 4.71.
Songs that are placed on the list remain there regardless of score until the following Wednesday.
what a kickass song
Great beat, something you can really dance too, keep up the awesome work :D,
Joined on 2/24/08